北卡州立大学教授Martin Thuo分享简便易行做科研:用液滴探索亚纳米级表面结构
2023-05-27 07:45:41 来源:科学网








北京时间2023年5月26日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第145期邀请到北卡罗来纳州立大学 Martin Thuo 教授分享如何简便易行做科研:用液滴探索亚纳米级表面结构。更多精彩,敬请期待!


Martin Thuo

North Carolina state University

Frugal Science: Exploring Sub-Nanometer Scales using Droplets


Liquids on surfaces, either as droplets or adsorbed films, embody both complexity and simplicity and, are erroneously portrayed as information poor or worse as an inconvenience. Thermodynamically, however, droplets capture surface force balance hence are a fascinating tool in understanding sub-nanometer surface structures. This talk will highlight how a simple relation of Gibbs free energy between a droplet and a self-assembled monolayer can be used to reveal gaps in our understanding of these ‘simple’ systems.


From the original work by Jacob Sagiv, the Whitesides-Porter discrepancy, to understanding superhydrophobic surfaces, we will explore the chemistry, challenges, and opportunities for new advances. Understanding the free energy minimized state of a droplet, we reveal complex interactions at the single carbon-carbon bond level and related conformational dynamics at the interface. Complimentary studies through surface sensitive sum-frequency generation and molecular electronics lead to strong indication that droplets are information rich under felicitous choice of conditions. This is an ultimate demonstration of frugal nanoscience!

从Jacob Sagiv的原始工作,Whitesides-Porter差异,到理解超疏水表面,我们将探索化学,挑战和新进展的机会。了解液滴的自由能最小化状态,揭示了单碳-碳键水平的复杂相互作用和界面上相关的构象动力学。通过表面敏感和频率产生和分子电子学的互补研究强有力地表明,液滴在适当的条件下信息是丰富的。这是节约纳米科学的终极证明!

Besides their use as probes, liquid droplets are also good synthons for nanomaterials synthesis. This will be highlighted through a discussion on liquid-derived synthons for graphene-coated metal oxides. Utilizing droplets, we synthesize materials that are otherwise challenging to make.



Martin Thuo is a Professor in the Departments of materials science & engineering at North Carolina state University and a co-host of the ICANX talks. Prior to NCSU, he was the Schafer professor at Iowa State University. He was also a Mary-Fieser (2009-2011) and NSEC (2011-2013) post-doctoral Fellow at Harvard University. He is the recipient of several awards including the ACS nano rising star, MSE excellence in research award, Lynn-Anderson research excellence award, Black & Veatch faculty fellowship, among others. His research interests encompass the general theme of frugal innovation through surface and interface thermodynamics.

Martin Thuo是北卡罗来纳州立大学材料科学与工程系的教授,也是iCANX会议的联合主持人。在加入北卡州立大学之前,他是爱荷华州立大学的Schafer professor,也是哈佛大学Mary-Fieser(2009-2011)和NSEC(2011-2013)博士后。Martin Thuo是多个奖项的获得者,包括ACS纳米新星,MSE卓越研究奖,Lynn-Anderson卓越研究奖,Black & Veatch教师奖学金等。他的研究方向包括通过表面和界面热力学研究节约创新主题。
